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What are you looking for?

These days it can be confusing to search for an Orthodontist for yourself or your child.


Personalized suggestions.

Dr. Quillen believes in Orthodontic treatment only when the time is right for the patient.


Pick the right Orthodontist.

Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Quillen today and enter personalized care.

"Thank you, Dr. Quillen, for being so honest and not pushing treatment on my son right away. I love how you explained everything so well.”

— Amanda

“He likes to talk about educational things while he works, it’s like listening to a documentary while you get your teeth done.”


“Dr. Quillen has been an absolute joy to work with. Our 11 year old daughter had some fairly difficult issues and he talked us through the best option for treatment and we started treatment very quickly.”



Why do I need to go to an Orthodontist?

Orthodontists have, on average, three to four additional years of education and study after completing dental school. They are specialists in the area of dentofacial orthopedics. Orthodontists look at your child’s present state of development and project continued growth as they become adults. The optimum time for treatment is usually around puberty, although sometimes earlier treatment is warranted to influence ongoing growth. Adults are increasingly seeking treatment as well and make excellent patients.

What makes your practice unique?

Dr. Quillen is a solo practitioner and performs all treatment appointments himself. Your appointments will be carried out and directed by Dr. Quillen. As a result, treatment times are greatly reduced.

How long does treatment last?

Treatment time varies from patient to patient, depending upon individual needs. The average time for teenage treatment is 18-24 months. Usually the adjustment appointments will be scheduled every 6-8 weeks, sometimes 2-3 months as treatment progresses.

How do I pay for treatment?

We accept all major dental carrier insurances as well as all KY Medicaid plans. We offer in house financing with interest free terms.

How do I get started?

The first step is to contact us today for a free consultation!

Let us help you find care that's right for you.