We want you to get the Orthodontic care you deserve.


dental healthcare

Orthodontics can transform your smile as well as your confidence and self esteem. Some benefits include: a more attractive smile, better function, and the comfort of a proper bite. Braces improve force distribution and wear patterns of the teeth and improve your ability to clean them, creating a healthier smile.

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A modern approach

While depending upon years of experience, Dr. Quillen uses treatment options tailored to the needs of the patient. Careful examination, diagnosis and Orthodontic care result in happy and healthy patients.



The first step to Orthodontic treatment is a consultation and these appointments are free. Dr. Quillen takes photographs and x-rays of your teeth and makes his diagnosis.


Patient Partnership


The next step is placement of the braces. Bonded brackets and all wires are placed in one appointment, reducing the need to be seen multiple times. Treatment has begun!




The third and final stage of Orthodontic treatment is wearing retainers. Either clear or wire, retainers keep your teeth from shifting after the brackets are removed.


Check your insurance.

We take all major dental insurances.

We also accept all KY Medicaid Plans for children under the age of 21.

Fill out the form with your insurance information and we’ll be in touch shortly.


Get started with Dr. Quillen today.